Thursday, August 26, 2010

School business sorted

Yesterday was a great day.
Spent most of it creating a new look for my forum.
I was getting really into it.
Even asked my stepmom how it looked and if I should change anything.
I'm just really excited about it.
Want to finish it and put it out there for the girls.

And I got my school business sorted.
I will be attending this normal school.
Like, I will go to a few classes with this 12th year.
I dunno, maybe I'm doing it all very wrong but I decided to take an exam in maths.
So, I will join the 12th year in maths class.
And in biology.
These two are quite certain at the minute.
I hope I don't feel to out of place.
I mean, I'm like 24 and the others are like 17 - 19. 
Thank god I look so young. About 18. Max. :D

Other than that I will be busy with my forum and gardening.
There's quite a bit left to do with the forum and lots of weeding in the garden.