Saturday, January 07, 2012

I can take it

Squee! I have two lads booked on Monday. Hopefully I can take it.
Sex sex sex!

What the fuck seriously like!

Okay, I totally fucked up my chicken today and I spent all of my money on the dinner.
I'm thinking of going to my mother's house tomorrow cause I don't have any more money or anything to eat.
Blah, why on earth do they add so much carrot in stir fries!? Plus dill flavoured potatoes!? What the fuck seriously like!

felt like the bitch

Oh how I wish it was summer. It'd still be light and warm out and I could be riding my bike or hanging out with someone.
Instead it's cold and dark out and I'm alone at home bored out of my mind.
I must say yesterday was a great day though. Last night I felt superior to my anxiety and I felt like the bitch.
I'm having trouble with going to bed at decent hour though. But oh how wonderful it would be if I felt like I did yesterday all the time.

Plus, I've arranged another one night stand on Monday. Should be fun!And I'm supposed to meet up with some people tomorrow.