Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Now, I just need a story - plot, characters, details, names , places, ideas.

I gotta get back in touch with the writer in me.
To do that I have decided to take part in a novel writing contest.
Now, I just need a story - plot, characters, details, names , places, ideas.
I've got nothing.
I don't really get how they measure the length or how I know how much I've written.

Plis, some awesome person has favourited me on this writing website.

I might just up and do something

Added some GIFs on my GIF blog.
Erm...if anyone who reads my blog wants some GIFs, let me know.
I might just up and do something.

looking at her beauty makes me so happy

Okay, I Googled for something.
I cannot remember what it was, but I came across this pretty lady, Candice Swanepoel.
She is so stunningly beautiful.
Her face is okay but it's the body that's a winner.

I don't mean it in a sexual way at all but she is so gorgeous that looking at her beauty makes me so happy.
It's like I'm not jealous or care for the clothes she wears, it's just her body.
Beautiful bodies are meant to be shown because it's like an art of its own - you don't see amazingness like that everyday. Unless, you're Candice or one of the likes of her.

Anyway, I thought I'd upload some pics of her cause she would make my blog look so lovely.
Oh and the pics can be found on Google in HD and HQ.

Gah, so pretty.