Sunday, October 28, 2012

back to town

Today, I have to go back to town. Been at my mother's place for over a week. I'm sort of nervous and anxious. I hope I can shop normally, without anxiety.
Oh and yeah, it snowed for the first time a few days ago. The snow is still there, hasn't melted of yet.
I really don't wanna ride my bike in this cold and damp weather. :s

normally I'm quite closefisted

Been watching a lot of Glee song videos. Damn, the songs are good.
Shame about the show itself.
Just thought I'd mention it since normally I'm quite closefisted when it comes to complimenting the show.

Oh and I don't really agree with Glee stars being political. They're just actors and singers, nothing more. It would be okay if they advertised voting but choosing sides is wrong, eventhough I'm an Obama supporter too.