Saturday, February 13, 2010

Films and lyrics

Watched Adventureland yesterday.
Yeah it was quite boring. That Kristen Stewart or ..well..she's called something like that looks nice but that's about it.

Watched Just Friends and Over Her Dead Body with Katriona today. She's a lovely girl. I like her.
Both of the films were kind of...the kind of films where you can switch your brain off. Not too funny, but they'll do. Anna Faris is great!

Been feeling sick, like usually. Tablets are not helping.

Oh and Shania Twain has about the worst lyrics ever! There are like really really bad songs out there, but even those really really bad songs don't have lyrics as terrible as Shania's.
Check out the lines from her song Up!:
'Even my skin is acting weird.
I wish that I could grow a beard.
Then I could cover up my spots,
not play connect the dots.'
How stupid are these lyrics? I would understand if a boyband sang those lines but a mature beautiful woman?

Oh and this probably goes under TMI but I have like the fieriest nips! :D I swear. I hope it's a reaction to shower gel and not pregnancy. I've never had anything like that before, though. Will do a test tomorrow.