Monday, May 23, 2016

what a day!

Oh my goodness, what a day!
Fist I came to town today from mum's place.
Then I went to shops a few times, with no anxiety.
Then went to sign a contract over at the janitor position office.
Then mum's workplace. Then went to town to buy this english book for my brother. And back to mum's workplace to give it to her to bring it home.
And then I went to my workplace! My workplace!
It was my first day at my new job. I was so anxious! Hopefully tomorrow I will be calmer. I hope I can get through this week without any massive anxiety attacks over there. Once I got to working I calmed down. I mean yeah I took a shit ton of pills but whatevs.
And then my bike broke. I dunno what happened. The chain is fucked up. Will go to the bike shop tomorrow to get it fixed.
Plus I have my psychologist appoitment tomorrow. Ugh. So much stuff again.