Saturday, October 15, 2016


Been thinking about it several times but never blogged about it. My therapist is a lovely woman, I get on with her well. But she annoys me when we're talking about my weight. My body works like my body. I know how it works.
Like, a year or two ago we were talking about how I've gained weight cause of my pills. She said it's cause I'm older. No. Again, I know how my body works. I'm a naturally skinny person. I was skinny up until the point I started taking the pills. They slowed down my metabolism, that's why I've gained all this weight.
And last time I saw her we were talking about my sleeping habits. I really gotta do something about it cause I go to bed like at 8am.
She said that eating late and going to bed this late means I will gain weight. Again, no. And again, I know how my body works. That does not make me gain weight. I am a skinny person!!! Before pills I could eat whatever however much I wanted at any time of the day/night and I did not gain weight. I do not gain weight like most people. I have a fast metabolism. That's just my body. I know how my body works!
I have really bad sleeping habits and I eat shit but I've gone down on my Olansapiin dosage and I've lost weight. Tell me again how eating and sleeping make me gain weight!? Cause they don't! I KNOW MY BODY!