Monday, August 02, 2010

You can stay sane just fine

Third post today.
Worth it.

Will be transferred to a regular hospital.
The doctors at the madhouse thought I was too healthy to be here.
Said that the really mad people might make me even more depressed than I am.
In all honesty though, I find them a bit funny.
And it's not in a rude way.
There are people who are really rude to the mad ones, but I just giggle a bit when they sing or talk rubbish.
And sometimes I get a bit embarrassed for this one old lady cause she curses so much.
She's always talking about "fucking" and how she is a virgin.
Then she's pregnant with two acorns.
Then she calls everyone her daughters and sons - her acorns.
And she's always saluting.
It'd be really boring without her here.
Her name's Sirje.

Then there's this guy called Petrov.
He's always going on about space.
He's thinking of how to get to travel around the Earth.
It doesn't really phase him that he doesn't own billions to do it.
He really believes that in 5 years time he'll be in space.
He knows his education is poor and that he's a bit mad but he justifies it all with Gagarin or somebody like that being mad too. You know like "there's a fine line between mad and genius".

Then there is The Frenchman - Tuljo.
Everybody calls him The Frenchman.
He's been quiet lately.
He's good friends with Petrov.
Petrov doesn't really go out much so Tuljo stays in too.
But he was quite the entertainer when he sang.

It doesn't feel too bad being stuck with them in the same ward.
And I always used to be scared of losing my mind or the mentally challenged, but it's not that scary at all.
You can stay sane just fine.

there's food that makes his dick grow

Oh and this guy who wanted to get jiggy, he peeked down my shirt and saw my little tits.
And that's what started off the horny comments.
Anyway, he said good things only.

The gypsy guy though, he started telling me how  I look like a 14 year old, then like a 12 year old.
Said the bottom part of my body was fine, but the top part... the boobs are too small.
He even said there's some special food that makes your boobs grow.
Oh dear... I'd never tell a guy there's food that makes his dick grow.

I don't really care what he thinks of my tits, but thought I'd mention it here.
I'm very happy being a B cup! :)

drive to the end of society

I've been playing cards a lot.
Mostly cause there's nothing else to do.
Been playing with this one guy.
I mean we've been just playing cards and he's like, "let's go and get jiggy in a bush and lets hold hands and kiss".
No. No without thanks.
The guy's okay and all, but just... no.

I got my "bf" to ring me cause all the men here creep me out.
Calmed down a bit after talking to him.

There's this new patient here.
He's a gypsy.
And he's the really in your face type of person.
Dunno what to make of him.

Other than that, I've been able to eat quite a bit, but still get nervous around meal times.
I might get out next Monday so.
Won't get my hopes up just yet, but it's a nice thought.

Oh and I liked this one sentence this one crazy guy said.
He said we'll get into a jeep and drive to the end of society.

I don't think he really understood what he said, but a few thoughts sprung in my head.
I kind of got confused.
Is humanity  a  learned behaviour or a primitive one? 
