Monday, August 02, 2010

drive to the end of society

I've been playing cards a lot.
Mostly cause there's nothing else to do.
Been playing with this one guy.
I mean we've been just playing cards and he's like, "let's go and get jiggy in a bush and lets hold hands and kiss".
No. No without thanks.
The guy's okay and all, but just... no.

I got my "bf" to ring me cause all the men here creep me out.
Calmed down a bit after talking to him.

There's this new patient here.
He's a gypsy.
And he's the really in your face type of person.
Dunno what to make of him.

Other than that, I've been able to eat quite a bit, but still get nervous around meal times.
I might get out next Monday so.
Won't get my hopes up just yet, but it's a nice thought.

Oh and I liked this one sentence this one crazy guy said.
He said we'll get into a jeep and drive to the end of society.

I don't think he really understood what he said, but a few thoughts sprung in my head.
I kind of got confused.
Is humanity  a  learned behaviour or a primitive one? 


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