Monday, February 11, 2013


Just remembered... I lost a follower. Bye! Thanks for stopping by.

Aaannd, I just finished reading Coraline. I wanted to buy the book but couldn't so I got one from the library. It was in Estonian. I must say, it was rather...poor. The structure of the sentences was too simple and the use of words was, again, poor. Maybe it was so crap cause it was translated and the one in English is good. Dunno, but I wasn't impressed. It was so simple I thought I could write a book. Ah well, at least it got me reading. I sould do more of it. It was my only book in ages. The last book I read before it was The Catcher In The Rye.

Okay, off to bed now and swollow gallons of spit.

Feel like my brain is dying

How unfortunate! My head is aching. Feel like my brain is dying. Actually, today it has felt like I have an ear ache. Will go to the doctor tomorrow again and hopefully we'll figure something out. Maybe she'll send me to another doctor, a specialist. Oh and I have this weird symptom going on, the salivary gland is producing exessive amount of spit. It's so weird.