Saturday, June 03, 2017

feel like I do

Okay, I feel like shit.
Last night me and mum bought ciders. I finished mine today and about a half an hour later I took my antidepressant. Think it's making me feel like shit now. Or I dunno what the fuck is going on. Maybe have a cold or something. Don't have a fever though and have weird anxious sicky feeling.
Or maybe it's the lasagna I ate.
My back was stiff all day though.
Ugh. Don't have a fever but feel like I do.
Started feeling super tired and took  a nap hoping I'd feel better when I wake up but no.

This is how I was

So out of the three appartments I was supposed to see yesterday I only saw one. And one small room should maybe open up in that and it all looked great, especially the outside, but the thing is on the sixth floor and there's apparently no basement or a place to keep my bike except the SIXTH FLOOR! Yeah there's an elevator but I can't fit my bike in there and there's no way I'll be bringing it up and down there.
And then I called another place that I found in an ad that was a copied one, meaning not posted by the landlord himself. It's not ready yet but I wanna go see it sometime when he's ready.

Yeah and then the dentist. I was in tears. But managed to sit through the whole situation. Cause there was no root canal. The dentist said she wasn't sure if the procedure would even work cause my tooth looks really bad. And I was like, okay let's pull it out then. Had to make an appointment with a...surgeon I guess. She was just the root canal-er. Anyway, we did fix another tooth of mine while I was already there. I was shitting myself but come on, I didn't wanna waste her time and I had already worked myself up all fucking week so... Afterwards my therapist who was with me and the dentist asked how I am...
Yeah I was pinching my arm with my nails the whole time. This is how I was. But I felt fine enough.

Yeah and then mum came over last night, finally watched Moana with her.
And today I went to her workplace and fucked up majorly. There were a lot of customers and she was busy with them. The receipt machine was about to run out of paper so she told me to change it. I have never fucking done it at her workplace so... she opened the machine quickly and I put in a new roll. Then the next customer didn't get a receipt. Well the paper came out but there was nothing on it. So mum thought it transaction didn't go through, so they did it again. Still no normal receipt. They did it again. And then it turned out I had put in the roll of paper the wrong way and it only prints to one side of the paper. So the customer was charged three times and it was such fucking hell. Fuck! How the fuck am I supposed to know what way the fucking thing goes in!? She didn't give out to me but she was super stressed out. Ugh. I'm never touching anything there again!

Yeah and I received my hoodie today that we had bought online. The sleeves were too short. And the material wasn't suitable for me. So I still have to find a good new hoodie for myself.

Oh and what the fuck is this?
These are bruises on my leg. I have never even hit my leg and they're like...there's so many of them. How? Is it cause I'm taking my iron pills or...? I was horrified when I saw my leg. I have more random bruises but nothing like this. Never hit my leg, they don't hurt, just weird.

Oh and a while ago I received my phone case!
It's so pretty! I wish it was more rosegold though not just pink.