Thursday, April 27, 2017

If you ever wonder

If you ever wonder what anxiety smells like, buy valerian and spill it in your bedroom.
If you ever wonder what anxiety looks like, gain 30 kilos on antidepressants/antipsychotics and look at yourself in the mirror.

Matilda and Alen

Well, yesterday's poops were gone eventhough my stomach made a lot of weird noises. Anyway....
Mum called me early in the kmorning, that's 12pm for normal people and told me to go to Euronics and get this girlie! Ahhhhh, it's mine! I haven't been too excited about it since there's four years of after payment for this. I hope my health won't plummet again or I won't lose a solid enough income.
Haven't played Sims yet cause yeah I'm almost at 100GBs this month. Sunday night I will download Sims and play all monday!
Some films that I thought were quite high quality look really poor on this laptop though. I guess I have to mess around with some settings. Also the name Matilda sprung up in my head when talking about this she's Matilda.

Anyway, what made me really really happy today was an email I received. Like, think it was last summer at my mum's that I heard this nice and cool song on the radio.
Went on Youtube to find it and listen to it. I knew who sang it cause he has a very lovely voice.
Yeah there was only sort of like a classical live version of it and this not so nice 90s disco version.
There was no "normal" studio version of it. So I forgot about it for a while.
And now, a few days ago I wanted to find the song. Checked Youtube again. Nothing, the same versions.
So I went on the dude's homepage. He had a playlist there and the song was on it. But I wanted the song on my laptop/other devices. So I checked which album the song was on. He had a few older albums, the song wasn't on them. One album had the "disco" version and I wasn't interested in it. There was a newer/last album that had no tracklist posted so I sent a message to the Contact and asked if the song was on the album or where I could buy the song. And...
The dude himself sent me the song file for free!!! :D
Made my damn day!