Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Okay, I'm really freaked out

Okay, I'm really freaked out by all the dying birds, fish, bees and other animals.
This thing needs to be on the cover of every damn newspaper and magazine in the world
I'm so paranoid about it.
How can people live and not care?
All them things dying is gonna affect everyone and everything.
Ughh, whatever the reason it's freaking me out so much.
I don't really care what is going on in Afganistan cause it looks like people killing people so it's like whatever but when it's people killing other species it's not cool. At all.

God, they're such ass munchers, I hate them more than anything else in the world.

Okay, I'm very seriously thinking of quitting internet.
What with the birds, whales, bees and fish.
And the last two days I've been feeling like crap.
Maybe it's a coincidence but it scares the hell out of me.
Plus I think I've found the perfect collage for me.
I'm very much thinking of doing environmental stuff although I kind of realised today that evenwhen I get a job in hat field I won't be able to do much cause it's the damn politicians who call the shots.
God, they're such ass munchers, I hate them more than anything else in the world.

I'm just gonna concentrate on studying from now on.
And hopefully I'll get into the college.
Oh and it's January, I have to sign up for my exams soon enough.

Over and out so.
Til...hopefully I manage to stay off the net for quite a while.

Hazelnut allergy what?!

Hazelnut allergy what?!
Had two hazelnutbutter toasts last night and my tongue is so sore now.
And my lower lip has bruises/blisters on it and is all red.
Ughh, just when and why the hell did I develope this thing?