Saturday, July 08, 2017

7th of July 2017

Okay so. I moved. 7th of July 2017.
Everything went well. The moving of my things went fast and well.
I got unpacked in about an hour or so.
Fam was over after the move, had cake which I bought at 50% discount cause it was a day expired.
Then the landlord came over and installed a new lock on my door.
Thta doesn't work properly though. Like when the door is open I can lock it and get the key out. When the door is closed and I lock it I can't get the key out. Ugh. Maybe I'm just stupid.
Oh and mum brought a lamp for me. Yeah it has the weird cord end thingy that doesn't fit any of the outlets in my room. Ugh. So right now I have the ceiling light on.
Ah, and I didn't know how to run the shower so I had a bath. Was super nice. I hope nothing will go wrong here. I really get a positive feeling off this place.

Tomorrow I'll go back to Ilme's place and clean up my room a bit. It's mostly done, just a little something something.
And if I can be bothered then I'll go to the cemetery to clean up the grandparents' grave.