Saturday, August 09, 2014

anything but romantic

Ughh! I hate the space! It freaks me out. Just watched Vsauce's videos about space. I find the subject interesting and all but it scares me so much. I even hate looking at the night sky cause of all the stars. It's anything but romantic to me.
I don't care about aliens and shit but just the greatness and openness of space is terrifying. I just hate all the commotion going on in space, what with planets and stars and energies and shit. Fuuuuuccckk! Scary shit. I shouldn't have watched it before bedtime. I started feeling really dizzy cause of all the space talk, was so scared that was about to pass out. Ugh.
Science if fucking freaky.

Cute, but a dick.

I'm having crappy periods again. Quite literally lol :D Damn men, the lucky bastards!

Anyway... the family went to Latvia today. I was home alone. Cleaned up a bit.

Yeah I have nothing to say except I have quite a few films I should watch but I just cannot be arsed. I really wanna watch them but I'm just too lazy. It's horrible. And I have two James Franco books to read. I also do want to read them but can't be arsed.

Plus, I thought I had two guys I could have been in a relationship with but one of them got a girlfriend and the other one just wants sex I guess. I'm not too disappointed but yeah... guess no one will really wait for me.

Oh and this one guy...the hot one I've slept with a couple of times...he had enough of me always putting off our meeting. He called it dumb. Well, what's even dumber though is the fact that he agreed to be in a relationship with me and then didn't contact me for about two months. And when he finally did get back in touch he had no recollection of the relationship chat. What a dick. Cute, but a dick.

Yeah so I'll just wait and see what will happen with the one that just wants sex. I think his name's either Rando or Roland.