Wednesday, June 29, 2011

something that looks like a dandelion but is not

Had I known better I never would have been stung by a bee. I was walking in shamrock and didn't think it has flowers. Well, I was wrong. My mother loves shamrock so much she didn'tmow the lawn where it was growing (the tiny bit at the left side is the mowed lawn):

Yeah and had I known better I wouldn't have eaten strawberries that give me hives. I'm quite convinced that my immune system is a lil weak cause of the antidepressants I'm taking and that's why I had the fever when the bee stung me and the allergic reaction to strawberries.. I've quit eating the ones growing in the garden but I gathered some wild ones today and I just had to eat them:

Took the dogs for a run and saw this pretty yellow flower:

I'm thinking they're all weeds but the flowers are nice, like the purple ones. I didn't recoginse it while taking the pic but on the left side there's a flying bee:

This is an old farm building I believe.

That's our old shed/garage. My mother's (ex-)man says it's only matter of days before the thing collapses:

I dunno how my body will react to all the berries you can eat in the summer butI'm gonna eat them anyway. These ones here will go red soon:

And then something that looks like a dandelion but is not:

Yeah... so July is gonna be a bit boring since my doc is on her holiday. I don't really have any reasons to go to Tartu now. Although I'm thinking of meeting up with some girls on my forum. Dunno whether I'll go or not.
Speaking of... ugh, I cannot wait to be done with the pink look for the forum cause I've been doing it for forever. At least I've been able to stay away from the place for quite a while or... for limited activities.