Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Glee Duets review

Yeah, I didn't make it to school today cause I felt too drowsy in the morning.
Think it's the antidepressant making me feel this way.

Anyways, I saw Glee today.

Well, I gotta say it wasn't half as bad as the other episodes so well done Glee people.
I'm still not the biggest Finn fan but Cory Monteith has become a better actor.
And I dunno whether they got new equipment in the auto tune department but he sounds a lot better than he used to.
He hasn't been to cheesy in the last few episodes either.

Although I think he looks waaayy too old to play a 16 year old kid.

And so does Lea Michele.
I think she kind of forgot what her character used to be like and she just... played herself.
Where's the squeaky voice and fast talking?!

And I'm glad there was quite a bit of Santana.
She's the bitch!

And onto Artie.
Oh god. He is such a woman!
I was seriously like, "Oh shut the fuck up, bitch!"
He totally doesn't deserve any women cause he whines too much.
Damn drama queen.
Seriously like, if your virginity is such a big thing to you then why the fuck do you complain about losing it after losing it. That thing is about the manliest thing about him.
Like, thinking with your dick.
What kind of a normal man accepts a girl his girlfriend a few seconds after she randomly confesses she likes him.
Get back to masturbation, mister!

And what the hell did the Glee people think they're doing when they made Quinn say, "I wanted to punch you" or something along those lines.
Yeah, it doesn't work when the characters of Glee say it. Only Glee viewers can say that.
And Rachel and Finn's "cheesy" number wasn't that cheesy it was just like a normal Glee song.
And no, it didn't sound/look like "Yeah, we're so cool at Glee here that we can laugh at ourselves" it was just like "Err.... boring scene much!?"

Yeah, that's about it.
I'll go now and feel drowsy.

Oh one more thing, I just looove this song:

sparkling f***

Okay, I ll try to blog without any curse words.
I know swearing is terrbile, but it feels so good.

Anyway, my swearing organ is sooo tired today.

Basically...I ve been doing this video thing for my forum all day.
I didn t even go to school cause of it.
Well sort of.
I just brought that out as an excuse.
But seriously I don t know what is happening to me.
I totally resent school.
In the morning I was like, "Oh its raining today, I don t have a warm enough coat to go out in"
And it s all true, but the school building is like a three minute walk away from my house.
I can see it from my window!
I think it s cause my sleeping is out of order.
I go to bed at three and four o clock most nights.
And it started when my father wouldn t let me sleep with his crazy window business.
I swear!
It would be kind of okay if I didn t go to school and studied a lot at home but I don t even do that.
I ve let myself go.
It s so disappointing and annoying.
It s one o clock now and I should be in bed but I just cannot go.
Oh and I dunno if it aired already but I was looking for the new episode of Glee online.
Didn t find anything.

Yeah the Artie - Brittany thing isn t fooling anyone.
Everybody knows it s a cover up for the Jenna-girl and Kevin s real life romance.

Yeah...I m so tired from working on the computer all day...

Oh... I m too tired to laugh now but some girls posted links to some really funny sites.
Oh how I laughed.
I laughed so hard I was hurting all over.

Even my father came into the room twice to ask what I was laughing at.
I ll post some pics off the site.
I ll upload the pics off the url so... I dunno how it ll look like.
Just... I don t anything and credit goes to whoever made them jokes.

Oh. My. God!!! That killed me!!! :D :D :D :D but it s so ture!

I just love how one person on thw website uses the word sparkling.
It just...brilliant!
Like, sparkling f***! (No swearing today!)
I hope it sticks!
Pahahaaa.. this one s just too good!
Aww... I fancy the older Rupert Grint.



I ll leave it at that. Oooohhh...too funny! I mean Justin Bieber is a cute little boy and all but the jokes are waaaayyy too funny. You gotta laugh! Whoever wrote these has to be a millionaire!
I like it that they re taking the piss out of Katy Perry cause she deserves it cause her man is an e****. Seriously... he probably got so angry at the papparazi cause Justin Bieber was under Katy s skirt. T***!