Wednesday, October 13, 2010

sparkling f***

Okay, I ll try to blog without any curse words.
I know swearing is terrbile, but it feels so good.

Anyway, my swearing organ is sooo tired today.

Basically...I ve been doing this video thing for my forum all day.
I didn t even go to school cause of it.
Well sort of.
I just brought that out as an excuse.
But seriously I don t know what is happening to me.
I totally resent school.
In the morning I was like, "Oh its raining today, I don t have a warm enough coat to go out in"
And it s all true, but the school building is like a three minute walk away from my house.
I can see it from my window!
I think it s cause my sleeping is out of order.
I go to bed at three and four o clock most nights.
And it started when my father wouldn t let me sleep with his crazy window business.
I swear!
It would be kind of okay if I didn t go to school and studied a lot at home but I don t even do that.
I ve let myself go.
It s so disappointing and annoying.
It s one o clock now and I should be in bed but I just cannot go.
Oh and I dunno if it aired already but I was looking for the new episode of Glee online.
Didn t find anything.

Yeah the Artie - Brittany thing isn t fooling anyone.
Everybody knows it s a cover up for the Jenna-girl and Kevin s real life romance.

Yeah...I m so tired from working on the computer all day...

Oh... I m too tired to laugh now but some girls posted links to some really funny sites.
Oh how I laughed.
I laughed so hard I was hurting all over.

Even my father came into the room twice to ask what I was laughing at.
I ll post some pics off the site.
I ll upload the pics off the url so... I dunno how it ll look like.
Just... I don t anything and credit goes to whoever made them jokes.

Oh. My. God!!! That killed me!!! :D :D :D :D but it s so ture!

I just love how one person on thw website uses the word sparkling.
It just...brilliant!
Like, sparkling f***! (No swearing today!)
I hope it sticks!
Pahahaaa.. this one s just too good!
Aww... I fancy the older Rupert Grint.



I ll leave it at that. Oooohhh...too funny! I mean Justin Bieber is a cute little boy and all but the jokes are waaaayyy too funny. You gotta laugh! Whoever wrote these has to be a millionaire!
I like it that they re taking the piss out of Katy Perry cause she deserves it cause her man is an e****. Seriously... he probably got so angry at the papparazi cause Justin Bieber was under Katy s skirt. T***!

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