Wednesday, June 02, 2010

You smartass smartasses!!!

I'm so annoyed with the sims right now.
How the fuck should I know which update to download?!
How the fuck should I know where the manual updates are?!
And why the fuck are the smartass smartasses replying in my thread?!

I know that the damn update thread is there, but there's nothing in it that answers my questions,
you smartass smartasses!!!
Up yours!!!

Little parts of my body that aren't dead yet

Jesus, what a day.
I'm half dead, I swear.
Periods suck so much!
Just got out of the house for a few minutes.
Went to Tesco.
Was gonna buy some Hilary Duff film, but went for Home Alone 1 and 2.
Yeah, that's about it.
I'm off now to preserve the few little parts of my body that aren't dead yet.
