Sunday, February 24, 2019

it's not part of my life

Oh I just remembered, it started a few years ago now when my mum started staying at my place overnight on some fridayscause she had to work on saturdays.
So when she first started staying over so often she'd ask if I have an eyeliner pencil. I have never in my life owned a fricking eyeliner pencil!
And yesterday when she was over after the longest time she asked me again! I have always and forever told her no. Why is she still asking!? She knows I do not wear makeup, why the fuck do you ask me for an eyeliner!??! It is such a prominent thing she asks me and I always give her the same answer - no and I never have and never will and you've asked me several times already and I always tell you the same thing so quit asking!
Then she asked me, "When are you gonna wear makeup?" *facepalm* Why in the world would I ever start wearing makeup? I absolutely get by in life without any makeup at all. There is zero need for makeup in my life. It doesn't make any sense to waste money on useless makeup products that poison my body. There is literally no need or use or good wearing or even owning makeup. I literally never planto wear it cause I never think about it, it's not part of my life.
So... please quit asking me for a damn eyeliner or anything else makeup related!