Tuesday, April 11, 2017

little golden bell

A thing I love: tracking an online delivery item.
When mum was over we ordered a bunch of stuff. It's so exicitng looking at the tracker to see what is going on with the items.
Oh and the other day when I got Lembit's old laptop off of mum we went to town together. She bought me slippers, some underwear. And! I got a bell for my bike. A little golden bell.
I love it! It makes this really faint fairy tinkle. Better than nothing. Why I bought this particular one was cause it's easily removable. See the rubber sling. I can't have the ones that you have to screw on cause as seen people in my building like to steal things. So now I have removable lights and bell. Yay!
Oh and today was the last day I took iron. Called the doc today three times but no one answered. Will try again tomorrow. I hope it's normal. I don't wanna take any pills anymore. Oh and not to jinx it but Olanzapin tapering off is going great. :)