Thursday, June 22, 2017

down and brown with the big guy

Okay I was supposed to update on this weeks ago but go lazy, what with editing the pics and all.
This was taken on the 13th of May. My other beautiful baby at my mum's. I got really inspired with the first one and decided to bring this one to town aswell, on the 20th of May. I mean my mum brought it to town, her man pulled over in front of my house. I couldn't have transported them on my bike.
The big one's the first one I brought to town and replanted. Yeah yeah I know it's ugly but whatever. It's my cactus and I love it. The little one is cute though.
The butterfly flowerpot is it's old one, I bought a gray matching one with the other one.
Here's the babe alone on the 21st of May.
Naked and exposed.
As can be seen the old pot had rocks in it. They're the rocks I found years ago when I went swimming in the local lake with my brother and his friend.They had these fossilized algea bits on them. Super cute.
I put them and some other ones at the bottom of the new pot.
And some soil from the back of the house.
And done it is!

Now, I thought I'd be really super caring and take good and proper care of them two. Then this started happening:
I thought the little cuties were leaning towards the sun cause... that's what plants do. But no. I rang the gardener at the Tartu Loodusmaja again and she told me the cati are overwatered! Shit! I thought I was being attentive and caring, feeding them water and stuff. And the gardener said cacti don't really need water, especially after they've been replanted. And that they're super independent and don't like the fussing. Waah! The don't have any brown spots indicating they're rotting. But I'm still super worried. I think I will get one of the babies off the bigger cactus and replant it before it goes down and brown with the big guy.
Thank goodness I called though cause I was gonna water them this weekend. Now I won't til they get back to being straight and rigid.
I put in some sticks so they'd be straight and upwards. The gardener said they might get straight again but also might stay crooked. Ughhhh, I fucked up bad! I hope they won't die!