Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Glee Nationals review

Wow, what a long umber it was. Wasn't half bad.

Gahhhh, why is Lindsay Lohan everywhere she doesn't belong!?

Vocal Adrenalin's performance was so much better. And it ended. Wasn't the worst.

Glee Props review

I'm totally cool with Tina being forgotten cause nobody really wants to see the Sasquatch.

Well the song that Rachel sang was boring as hell. Luckily the lyrics were good.

Hahahahaaaaaa at the fit TINA COHEN CHANG had :D Ahahahaaaaa
God she is ugly when she has her angry face on!

Niiiice! Lea looks hot in this emo get-up.
Oh god what a boring version of the song Tina sang!

Ooooh, what's that?! A meaningful scene on Glee? Liked that Beaste said she was gonna love herself.

Damn, I had forgotten how good of a singer Mark Salling is.

All in all, it was a rather good episode and I didn't even cringe as much as I thought I would cause of the Sasquatch. She was a little likable.