Sunday, June 26, 2016

absolute bitches

Was supposed to go to my childhood friend's wedding today. Yeah I was so sure I was gonna go but as the day came nearer I got more and more hesitant. Didn't wanna cause drama with my anxiety. I just don't do well in crowds. I really would have wanted to go though cause it's (supposedly) once in a lifetime thing.

Instead, I was at my mum's place. We went swimming. Got to skinny dip. The weather was impossibly humid. At least this year we had nice weather on jaanipäev.

Yeah and I've been conversing with these crazy ass vegans for the last two days. Crazy people. Yeah they "care" for the environment and animals but they're absolute bitches to humans. I don't think I've come across more hateful people before. Not feminists nor racists.