Sunday, May 17, 2015

I'm 5SOSing

I'm 5SOSing. Mother bought me skinny jeans :D
I didn't ask her to buy them to me or anything, she bought them all by herself. But I really like those back sneakers the boys are wearing. Want those!


The sound of my handwriting

Maybe I've talked about this on my blog before... but there are some things about myself that I don't like.
For example, my handwriting. It's just horrible. The letters never look the same twice or more times. Even my mother has said it looks like a young boy's handwriting. And it does so.
The other thing I don't like about myself is my voice. Oh god! It's just so whiny and I hate my S's. They sound so fancy pants and pretentious.
They're the top two things I might ever be self-conscious about.
Oh that reminds me... when I was young I was very self-conscious about my elbows. What the fuck right!? :D