Friday, January 13, 2017

A happy bunny here!

Today, I'd like to send out positive vibes out to the universe and say thank you! Man, I can't believe I'm still working. I'm really used to it now. Have been for a couple of months now. And my health does seem to be better. So yeah as I've said before I'm trying to go off of my pills. Still get headaches from going down on escitalopram but it's okay. Even if I can't go off of it, I'm doing so much better and it makes me happy. Big thanks to everything and everyone that's helped me get to this point. A happy bunny here!

well done, brain

Yessss! My cup is in the capital. Probably will get to Tartu next week. I will soooo buy cocoa powder and milk and make hot chocolate with cinnamon in it.

Plus, toddlers came out in Sims 4 today. Too bad I can't play them yet but they look so so so adorable.

Oh and I got the speakers Lembit bought for me today.

The only crappy part is my head. Withdrawal symptom no.1 is headache. Ugh. Like, I never ever get headaches. Only when I have a flu or a cold or something and even then it's just a short term little throbbing. And when I had that trigeminal nerve inflammation it was sort of a headache, nerve ache really but still, it was in my head. Other than that I've never not once in my life had a headache. So, eventhough my brain is fucked chemically, it has never ached so...well done, brain.