Monday, April 29, 2019

my fave ice cream

Wow, I just spent the last half an hour coughing my lungs out. I choked on my fave ice cream. I was making scary noises. I hope I didn't wake the neighbours.
I was legit gasping for air. A tip: whenever you can't get any air in, start inhaling really slowly and lightly and then cough out with force. Don't gasp air in depserately. You're gonna drag the crap deeper in you like this and you're not gonna get any air in you like this.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

I'm a virgin!?

Okay what is it with the gynecologists implying I'm a virgin!?

Saturday, April 20, 2019

tiring me out

Okay, so I first thought it was the seasonal affective disorder or whatever it's called. Actually, the first thing was a cold/virus. Then the seasonal thing. Then maybe Lyme disease which the doc was sure of aswell. But now I'm thinking I've had allergy all this time. I've mentioned this before but ever since they started heating for the winter my nose has been blocked.
And I dunno if I mentioned but I bought an air humidifier too a while ago too. And from time to time I've been using Avamys, the seasonal allergy nose spray ever since my nose got blocked from the heating. Gotta start all over with them.
Long story short: I've felt like "I have a runny nose without the snot", "feels like a headcold but not really". And I've lost my voice several times and my sinuses have been irritated for forever. And my eyes have been sore and dry since february too.
Well... This fits the symptoms most I guess.
I took some diazepam and started escitalopram again, 5mg. They help a little. Probably calm down the body so it doesn't react as allergically. It is a word! It is used like this!
Started some allergy med too, the ones I had left over from my itching days. Which I still do but less.
And every single second I'm in my room, I have the humidifier on. Day and night.
I'm taking vitamin D, Bs, C, iron, magnesium.
Yeah... see I completely lost my train of thought just now and the motivation to finish this post. I've been like this since February. It's just tiring me out.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

the damn thing I've had since february

Holy shit! My head is literally gonna pop off right now! It feels so incredibly bad! I don't give a shit anymore if it's a psych thing or Lyme disease, it just needs to end now!

For a while there I thought it was a psych thing cause escitalopram seemed to make it a little better but not that much. Plus I have this little cold too and it's driving me insane! But it's mostly the damn thing I've had since february.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

You know a thing I hate?

You know a thing I hate?
I'll tell you a thing I hate.
Whenever I grab whichever pan at my mum's to fry something, the second every pan heats up this disgusting stench of fried onions oozes off the fucking thing!
You will never in a million, billion, trillion centuries smell this shit at my place, off of my pans!

Monday, April 08, 2019

freak out for a second

I had a proper freak out for a second just now.
I'm sitting here upstairs at my mum's house and all of a sudden I realise the fire is burning in the fire place. I was like how!??!?! I've been here all the time and no one lit the fire!!?!?!?!

I did it myself a little while ago and completely forgot about it. :D Fuck, I'm an idiot sometimes.

Sunday, April 07, 2019

So decent

If I were a musical artist this is the compliment I'd love to receive!

Friday, April 05, 2019

just wait and do nothing

Hello. My brain is dying.

Don't feel like the antibiotics did much. Still, Termobronx is the only thing that I can feel do something.
Will call the doc on monday at my mum's place. Maybe it's Lyme, maybe not. I don't wanna just wait and do nothing.

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

That moment when...

That moment when you miss the turning of the clocks back/forth.
Where was I?! Apparently it was about a week ago or on sunday or something.

Anyway, at my mum's. My head feels like shit. I'm almost starting to believe I might have Lyme.

Monday, April 01, 2019

feel so lost

So things have been shitty health wise but I'm on holiday now for two weeks. I feel so lost lol
I had my last official holiday back when I was in Ireland. I don't know where to start.