Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Paid for

Well, the ticket is paid for.
"Bf" paid for it.
Then had one of his weird moods again.
Probably cause I have to pack my stuff today cause some people will be leaving the country before me and they can take some of my stuff with them.
Anyways, I have loads of stuff.
Have to give away loads of clothes and leave stuff behind.
I'm leaving my computer for the "bf".
Dunno what to do with all of my CDs and DVDs.

...back to packing now.

Nerve-wracking to say the least.

Well, looks like I am going back to my homecountry.
Nerve-wracking to say the least.
Have to go and get some things sorted now.
Just in case.
Then enjoy the last few days I have in Ireland.