Monday, December 13, 2010

Way to go, fucks!

Okay, I'm super pissed off right now.
All this Christmas gibberish.
Everyone's being a selfish greedy bastard.
Wooohooo, that's what Christmas is all about! It's so amazing to see everyone in their true and sincere Christmas spirit.
Way to go, fucks!
Hope you get a deep anal from Santa.

Actually, shut the fuck up!

What the fuck are yous looking at? Say something!

Actually, shut the fuck up!

Like, I'm totally stuck at the minute cause I don't know the code for the nav bar.
And I opened the fucking thread on the 8th of NOVEMBER!!!!!!!
Over a FUCKING MONTH ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And that piece if shit is gabbing about some shitty 48 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????
Gaaaaarrrhhhhghhhghg, I swear, I'll quit administrating the damn forum cause of those cheesedicks!!!!!!!!!!!
I've fucking had enough of this shit!

that's what you get when you get jiggy with your co-workers

LOL, Glee got closed down cause of some illnesses.
Well... I'm definitely not the person to rub it in someone's face but... that's what you get when you get jiggy with your co-workers.