Thursday, January 20, 2011

And I continue to loathe IE. FOREVER AND EVER!

And I continue to loathe IE. FOREVER AND EVER!
Thanks to that dipshit I couldn't register for my exams.
Plus it was literally popping up windows every 2 seconds.
I mean literally ever two seconds.
And what kind of an idiot makes the registering for exams possible only on IE?!
What retards!

Anyway, this lovely man helped me out and did the whole thing on his own computer. I had to go over to his place. And to my surprise I think he was the father of this dude that had caught my eye at school. He kinda looks good and is kinda clever but he's a bit too young for me... I mean he is in the..either final or the second to final year in school. Plus I don't think he's interested in me anyway. Oh and he's got a super lovely last name - it's favourite colour and a tree. Just sayin' like...

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