Monday, June 14, 2010

I too wanna be Kevin's "best friend"

Okay, hula hoop is out.
It just pisses me off so much that it doesn't stay up.
I swear I'll kill my back picking it off the floor before it does any good to my midriff.

Oh and I've had four packets of crisps today.
Oh no! I hope I won't feel sick.

Just cooked nice chicken stir fry. Yum.
Yeah, off to skip again.
Maybe I'll go for a jog again later on.

Oh I cannot remember if I've addressed it before but I lost a follower.
Whoever it is, sorry I'm lost.

And yeah, I know it's Kevin's birthday today.
But... since I got a pretty good confirmation he's riding the black haired girl, I'm going off him.
Or if they're just "best friends" then I too wanna be Kevin's best friend.

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