Saturday, January 12, 2013

who knows who is gonna wanna read my blog

Okay, I've been reading comments under some Estonian articles and some blogs and I must say it botheres me when Estonians write in English. Mostly so cause I cannot stand it when they make mistakes in the simplest of sentences. Grrr...grinds me gears so much, like.
I've read my earlier blog entries and found a bunch of mistakes aswell but... I started this blog when I lived in Ireland and thought my only readers would be Irish. Actually, the entries from the time I still lived in Ireland aren't as bad as the ones I've written after moving back to Estonia.
Yeah and I still haven't forgotten about my...want/dream/need to go and live in a foreign country so I'll keep posting shit in English cause who knows who is gonna wanna read my blog in the future.

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