Saturday, September 25, 2010

This and that and a little Glee - Auditions review

Hm. Think it was yesterday when I went to the garden with my father.
I normally wouldn't spend time with him, but I wanted to play the violin.
So, he brought me there in his car.
We have this little cottage thingy in the garden so I was playing in there.
I just don't wanna be all loud and wrong in the apartment.

So, then I've been busy with my forum.
Trying to get a few gadgets on it and it's so damn hard cause it just doesn't work or look like how I want it.
Gahh. So much time and effort for nothing.

Oh and then I saw the first season two episode of Glee.
Yeah, let the cheesefest begin.
Finn is just so terribly cheesy, it's sickening.
They should totally change the character or get a new actor for him cause the current actor/character is doomed.
There were about 3 bits I liked in the episode.
One was the little catfight between Quinn and Santana.
Well, the Quinn character is annyoing aswell so I would have liked it if Santana had kicked her butt.
Santana's the bitch!
Then I liked the bit were Sue came into the bathroom where Rachel and the Asian girl were singing and she was like, "Shut up!"
I mean, I think the writers and people are kind of starting to get the idea of what people think of the show.

Oh and in the beginning they were kind of giving out about people dissing Glee in their blogs and then the Merzedes girl was, like "Blah blah, were a family and nothing can break us". Yeah, you're as tight family as different pieces of cheese on a cheese platter.
I'd have no problem telling those people they're show is crap.
Well, I wouldn't tell Kevin that. To him I'd just say, "Let's ride"

And the third nice bit in the episode was the new Asian girl.
I hope she will be in the show in the next episodes aswell.
I liked how she was smiling all the time.
Well, I kind of thought of it as smirking.
At the whole show like. :D

Yeah, that is about it. My head is all over the place at the minute.

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