Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Get the fuck over yourself. RIGHT NOW!

Seriously, how do people live with their fathers?!
I totally feel like I wanna hang myself.
I never thought a man could be this dramatic.
Like, seriously, get the fuck over the window business!!!
I need to sleep with the window open - cause otherwise I get a headache and start feeling sick.
I need fresh air all the time.
And then my father developed this idiotic habit of marching into my room at three o'clock at night to close my window.
Stay in your damn room and fucking sleep!

Like, last night he came into my room again and I was like, "Don t close it, there's no point, cause I'll open it again. I can't sleep with the window closed".
And then he s like, "Whine, whine whine, it s cold and raining outside. If it was summer then it would be okay".
The FUCK it would be!
When I shared the room with him in summer, I kept the balcony door open and he kept complaining about flies and knats flying in and biting him.

Jaysas fucking christ!

I'm so close to losing my mind!

The fucking universe does NOT revolve around you, for shit's sake.
Get the fuck over yourself. RIGHT NOW!

I'm seriously doubting taking my final exams again.
I have to get a job and find my own place for living cause I swear I'll kill myself living with these kinds of people.
Plus, last night I had to sleep in kitchen cause the father wouldn't stop being dramatic over the window.

Fucking shit!

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