Tuesday, March 29, 2011

the basis of the myths that teenage girls bring out the poltergeists in houses

Well, well, yet again I got reminded how evil teenage girls are. :D
Seriously, this is the basis of the myths that teenage girls bring out the poltergeists in houses and shit cause they have no souls. I swear it's fucking scary and spooky sometimes how heartless those little bitches are :D
And I cannot believe I'm working my ass off for someone like that and spend hours and hours, days and weeks on working on the forum and shit. Wow...I mean that's just nature but it makes me even more certain that when I have a baby I want a boy. I had enough battles when I was a teenager and lived with my mother and my grandmother. The only woman and bitch in my family is going to be me.
Yeah....it's fucking scary and I don't think I like it or want to be around it anymore. I mean I was happy to provide a place for chat and help but when they're so carnivorous towards each other I want to get the hell out.

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