Sunday, March 05, 2017


And in other news, just to document it, my left boob is troubling me.
In February a few days before my periods I got discomfort, pain and tenderness in my left boob. Thought it was weird since I never get sore breasts before periods. Not once have I ever had sore boobs in my life. And it was just one tit.
Then my period started and the pain kinda subsided.
Then about three or four days ago I got the pain back and I'm not anywhere near my periods. Plus, if it was a hormonal thing, wouldn't both of my titties hurt not just one!?
Talked to mum and stepmum, stepmum said they would probably sned me to get mammography done. Yeah, 1. I don't want my sore titty squeezed in any way, 2. My titties are so small, mammography is impossible anyway.
Yeah, we'll see how this plays out.

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