Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year bitches!

So I'm spending the New Year's Eve alone. Thought the dogs would keep me company but they're pissing me off. They are totally missing the rest of the family cause they keep whimpering all the time. Ugh! So annoying!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Figure 8

So I was in a mood for some good songs. Searched for something nice for quite a while but didn't find anything.
Then! I thought maybe Miss Ellie Goulding has released something new and good. And she has! Plus, so conveniently it happens to be her birthday today. Happy days and years to come, missy!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

this nausea is killing me!

Blah, this nausea is killing me! Cannot wait til I get my hands on omeprazole.

And the mother's man just made me angry. Asked my mother what pharmacies they went to and she said they were all closed. And then he butts in and starts giving out to me about it and says there's no point in talking about pharmacies. And I said I was talking to my mother not him and that he should pipe down. Then he said if I wanna talk about pharmacies I should do so quietly. Who the fuck does he think he is telling me I cannot talk about pharmacies with my mother. He can go and fuck himself. Men suck dick.

Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel so sick physically and now I have this mental/emotional stress.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

*sad face*

*sad face*
Sigh... the major nausea is back. Think it's cause I went down on my dosages of antidepressants.
And I have no money to buy more pills. Mother won't give me any money either. Will have to borrow off someone outside the family.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Today, I wish to say fuck you

Today, I wish to say fuck you to the person who stole the batteries of my bike's lights.
I dunno where I'm gonna keep my bike now so that no one can vandalize it.
It kinda took me forever today to get to my mother's place so I had to bike in the dark and I had no lights to be noticable. A few bastards honked at me. I didn't think to check my lights before going on the road so...'s just so unfortunate.
Other than that, I got my first and possibly only holiday gift today. Off a girl from my forum, KristiinaT.
Sent off my present aswell. But it won't reach the girl before the holidays kinda sucks. Oh well.

Monday, December 17, 2012

one big son of a bitch

In town today. Freezed my ass off when riding my bike. It was okay for most of the time but when I had to cross the bridge I froze. Am okay now.

Just watched Mystery Diagnosis. Ugh, isn't the human body one big son of a bitch when it's sick!? So, today I'd like to send out positive energy to all sick people, with rare and not so rear conditions. Also, I wish for everyone who doesn't know their diagnosis yet to learn about their condition quickly. It took me ten years to be diagnosed with anxiety disorder.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Be careful what you wish for

Oh yes! Seen the film quite a while ago but it stuck with me so I watched it again the other day. I must say, if I was to... do a film I'd do it exactly the same way as this was done. Tim Burton style is a bit over the top for me but this here is amazing.
And I really want to read the book by Neil Gaiman. I'll have a look if it is here, in Estonia, in libraries. If not I'll order the book online.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Friday, December 14, 2012

Glee, Actually review

Ahhh, Kevin! Feliz Navidad sounds a bit better when you see Kevin in action.

Not that I wish anyone to have it but I don't really like Burt, so the cancer announcement wasn't that tragic.

Loving White Christmas!!!

Why does Glee keep on being so illogical?! How can Puck be there for no reason!?

Okay the wedding business was ridiculous.

Ugh, have nothing against the Marley actress but couldn't they really find someone with a more interesting voice. She's so mediocre. I think even having the Sasquatch as a leading lady would be more interesting and... better.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hot hoaxer

In regards this whole nurse kills herself over a prank call business, I gotta say it's such an unfortunate situation but the male DJ, Michael Christian is so hot.

Monday, December 10, 2012

My nails are getting too long, can't pick my nose

Okay, a while back, around my birthday, my dad and stepmum came over to visit me. Stepmum said that crisps could be the reason why I have anxiety. She said shit like that fucks up your body. So I decided to stop eating them. Haven't had crisps since Friday now. Let's see how long I can keep it up.

My nails are getting too long, can't pick my nose.

Need to move on with my life

Okay, I have my first job interview tomorrow. Some random grocery store.
I also applied for a job as a.... vet assistant. Not sure I wanna see badly injured animals though.
Also, applied for a job in a hotel. Would love that.
Ugh, no more anxiet please. Need to move on with my life.

Oh and what is this monstrosity called Feliz Navidad sung by the lovely Kevin McHale!? I hate this salsa or whatever the shitty music.

taking a break from uni and go to work

Well, I guess it's settled then. I'll be taking a break from uni and go to work.

Saturday, December 08, 2012

Open Water

Okay, I never wanna own my own house. I'm so sick of mowing the lawn, raking leaves, shovelling snow. It's like there's work for every season. Ugh.

What got my writing though, is the film Open Water. Boy, is that film scary or what!? I mean the second film. I was so nervous through out the whole film.


Friday, December 07, 2012

Glee Swan Song review

I thought Mr. Schue was gone already!?

Hahahahaa, at the Brittana (?) shippers! Way to go to deal with it like that. Crazy fuckers!

Oh dear, Rachel's first performance was a bore-fest. A standing ovation!? Kurt's audition wasn't better.

Corey's still surprisingly good.

Thursday, December 06, 2012

your grandmother

Okay, my brother really needs to stop burning himself. He keeps making "your grandmother" jokes/insults. We have the same grandmother, fool!

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Whine and whinge!

Whine and whinge!
So because of that one unfortunate Tuesday when I started feeling sick during one of the classes has put me off going to school. Haven't been for about three weeks. :/
Luckily I'm getting a note off of my dotcor so maybe I can retake some tests and hand in my belated homework. Hopefully.
Other than that things have been rather civil. Going to mother's place tomorrow since the classes on Fridays have ended. I feel so... I guess disappointed that I haven't been to all of the lectures since they've been very interesting. I hope I won't be kicked out and that I don't have to repeat the year.