Friday, May 24, 2013

my slap kills you

Also, today I'd like to apologize to all the gnats I've killed. I'm sorry bitches but if yous come and buzz in my face and bite me then I'm gonna slap you in the face. It's not my fault your face is so small my slap kills you.

This cutie

This cutie... a girl I work with was rearranging flower pots when she found a bird nest on a table. When she found it there was only one egg in it. The next day there was another one. On the third day, a third one appeared. So did the forth and the fifth egg. Now it's the weekend so I cannot wait til Monday to see if there are anymore eggs. Doubt there will be. And I'd love to see the little birdies hatch. Trouble is I might have only one week left at the place. Oh well. Will start looking for another job then.

And I started to talk to Colette again. The woman I used to live with when I live3d in Ireland. We have so much catching up to do.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Yeah, naps are bad

Oh my goddess, finally got my period. 13 days late. I hope this never happens again, it was scary.

Got really bad cramps at work so got home early.

Oh and I start feeling really sick after taking a nap. Weird. Feel so weak and nauseous. Maybe I slept for too long, about three hours. Yeah, naps are bad.


Sunday, May 19, 2013

so mad and riled up

Gahh. I'm so pissed off right now. Why in the world did I stay up so late to watch Denmark win the Eurovision song contest!?
That song is crap beyond belief!!!
But I'm glad Bonnie Tyler (or whatever her name is), well UK, nor Germany (Cascada) and the Netherlands (Anouk) didn't win.
I'm disappointed Estonia didn't do so well but I didn't expect us to win anyway. I voted for Russia, Armenia and Ukraine and I really hoped Ukraine would win.
Blah, I'm so mad and riled up I can't go to sleep.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

just wanted to post this pic

Oh dear, it's so hot out. And as I said in one of my previous posts, today is all about mowing the lawn. Except, it's too hot to do it. Ugh. Yeah, I don't have much to say, just wanted to post this pic from my mother's man's birthday:

Thursday, May 16, 2013

under the scorching sun

Oh goddess. I cannot believe the weather for next week. It's supposed to be all hot and shit. How am I gonna work? It's so hard under the scorching sun.
Plus, lawn mowing is in order for the weekend. I hope it rains.
Blah. And still no sign of my period. I'm a week late. Never happened before. Thinking it's cause of the pills I'm taking. Ugh, I just wish I had them already then I'd have another month til the next one. I'm waiting another week and if still no show Imma go to the gyno.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

so not preggo

Haven't gone into work this week. I just feel so lazy and anxious. Maybe it's cause I'm taking smaller dosages of my pills. Have to go in tomorrow or else they'll fire me.
Yeah and I'm still waiting for my periods. I already started to think I'm pregnant.

Only one stripe showed up in the result though, so not preggo.

Monday, May 13, 2013

not a fan of sunny days

Ouch. I'm shedding skin like crazy! That's what you get for working out in the sun. And apparently it will get even hotter. Ugh, not a fan of sunny days.
Plus, where the hell are my periods!?

Saturday, May 11, 2013

What the actual fuck!?

We're having a birthday party for my mother's man. So many things go wrong at parties with the family. The mother and her man always have a fight. The man goes into this asshole mode and picks on my mother. Plus the mother is super serious about everything. Me and the man sometimes playfully "flirt". And today the mother got jealous cause of it. What the actual fuck!? I'd never want her man, thank you very much.
Ughhh. I just feel such tension at the parties, it's not pleasant.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Urges urges!

Ugh hnnng! Having sex is not healthy cause you end up wanting more. So I tried to get the lad from last night to come over today aswell but he said it was too nice of a weather outside and he wanted to work. Why work when you can have sex!!!!!?
Then I thought of calling up another fit lad but eventually didn't.
Then this another lad wanted to hook up but I'm not interested in him.
Urges urges!

Been working for two straight days now. Anxiety is getting better by the day. Although I'm nervous about tomorrow cause I will be indoors with about 5 people and I don't do well in those kinda situations.

Yeah, that's about it. Oh and this song is a killer: