Thursday, November 28, 2013

Sick women

Okay! My apartment owner went to the doctor today cause she gets pains in her hip and legs. Turned out she has trombosis. So she's gonna be in the hospital for about a week.
And then... Talked to my mother on the phone today and she said she had been to the A&E again last night cause of her high blood pressure.
What the hell!?

Sunday, November 24, 2013

so full of cabbage

Oh my goddess, I'm so full of cabbage.

Yeah yeah I know I've been 28 for a week now. Got leggings from my mother. Um... yay?

Friday, November 15, 2013


Okay, there was a maggot in my tea. What? How? What!?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

at the A&E

Well, mother was at the A&E. She had really high blood pressure. She will go to her GP tomorrow to sort it out. Gahh, hopefully the weekend will go smoothly. It's my birthday afterall.

Called the brother

Called the brother. He said mother and her man went to a doctor. Gah, something is wrong! I really dislike not knowing what has happened.

Oh no, now I'm worried

Oh no, now I'm worried. Called mother and she said she'll talk to me later, that something had happened. Scary!

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Oh glorious!

Oh glorious! Now I get anxiety when chilling with my family. Well done, body, well done. I don't wanna hear about it next weekend though cause it's my birthday and I wanna sit down and enjoy a great family dinner.

Ahhh..those were the good times. And I'm having even better times now

So yesterday I got this pain in my stomach. Thought it was weird. And today when I was biking to my mother's place I got a tummy ache. Thought it was weird. And voila - my period started. Never realized it.
Anyway...I read some place that Glee is making Kurt go to Russia. Oh god..... I don't even wanna know what kind of hate against Russians the episode will have, what with the anti-gay thing. I'm with Russia on this one... Like, enough is enough. Nobody cares who you love or fuck, so stop preaching.
I also learned there will be a spin-off show. Hmm...maybe if they get better writers I will watch it. If Kevin's in it. My old flame. Ahhh..those were the good times. And I'm having even better times now...mmmm...Jonathan.


Wednesday, November 06, 2013

about 12 years left to do it

Okay, I just realised how scary pregnancy and giving birth are. *shudder* Nevertheless, I don't support abortion.
Man... I dunno if I'll ever have my own kids. If I do then I have about 12 years left to do it.

Monday, November 04, 2013

Let her go

Woah, had the weirdest dreams last night. Dreamt I killed off some girls cause they were bullying me. And then I had to give a present to Niall Horan. I gave him a white T shirt. Ha!
And then some nights ago I had a dream where I went on a date with Harry Styles. What is this One Direction nonsense!? :D
Anyway...this song is the bomb!