Friday, January 31, 2014

not gonna tell anyone

Huh....have a job interview on Monday. Scary stuff. I'm not gonna tell anyone til I've had it. And if I get the job I won't tell my mother til I've worked for at least a week.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Being old sucks

Being old sucks. My apartment owner is an old lady, Ilme. She has told me so many times that someone she knows had died.
And my mother has told me that you know you're old when you start looking for people you know in notes (yeah, can't remember the proper word for it at the moment) in the paper.
Luckily for me, I don't know that many people.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Should be fun. Hopefully.

Okay... looks like I'm gonna take someone's virginity this week. :D Should be fun. Hopefully. I'm not the best person for that kinda thing though cause I'm not very accommodating.

Monday, January 20, 2014

nothing compared to Gravity

Just finished watching Gravity. Started watching it last night. Man... I had to pause it so many times and do something else cause it was so scary. I thought films with ghosts were scary but they're nothing compared to Gravity. Ugh....*shudder*

And yet again I won't be going to my mother's place this weekend due to cold weather. Mh...when will this winter end!?

Thursday, January 16, 2014


As of today I started taking magnesium. I read about it online and it just might be the answer to my anxiety problems. Will see.

young people, beautiful people

Ahhh...young people, beautiful people.
Just as I stop crushing on him he grows a beard and looks all kinds of sexy. Proud of my past crush.

Yeah and I won't be going to my mother's place this week cause apparently it'll be -20 this weekend. Boo! At least the mother gave me some cash to live on. I'm so short of money this month it's unreal. Have no idea what's happening. Oh right, the central heating is on now so my rent + bills are higher.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

morals and standards or something of the sort

Okay, I think I have some morals and standards or something of the sort. They're pretty useless though. Like, I would sleep with a man for the sake of it but I wouldn't do it for money. And I really need money. Might rethink my morals. Then again, once I've done it, I'm officially a prostitute. At the moment I'm just a slut.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

we chopped and we sawed and we burned

 So this is what has been going down this weekend:

Yeah, the weekend before we took down two massive fir trees cause they were a threat to our shed and garage. So we chopped and we sawed and we burned. Next weekend it's the second tree.

Friday, January 10, 2014

loving this winter

I don't wanna jinx it now but I'm loving this winter. We don't have any snow whatsoever. I hope it stays this way for the whole winter.
And I've been waiting like crazy for the days to be longer. It's still dark by 4 o'clock in the evening. Boo!

Am back at mother's place. Think tomorrow we will burn more twigs and branches. Last weekend we took down two massive fir trees and this weekend we're gonna work on them. Hopefully it'll rain tomorrow aswell so we don't have to I can sleep :)


Ahh..I'm so in love with this song!!! I used to hate the word "psychadelic" cause it sounds so pretentious and stupid but this song makes me feel indifferent towards the word. Yeah, the word is really not the issue here anyway. The song is amazing!!! I wish I could sing like that. I like to think I'd be able to write a song like that or even a poem but I've let that hobby of mine go. Should really pick it up.

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Gotta Be Somebody

Yeah...been into Nickelback ever since I heard this song on a New Year's Eve programme. Good stuff right here!

Monday, January 06, 2014

Where's the rush body?

Came to town today after spendng two weeks at my mother's. And damn I started my period today, Where's the rush body? About a week early.


Sunday, January 05, 2014

he's a goner

Okay, I'd love a guy who still plays video/computer games but if he plays Minecraft he's a goner. My little 13 year old brother is watching YouTube videos of old dudes playing the game and I feel so sorry for them. The game is horrendous. and it's pathetic how excited those old dudes get while playing it.

Martin L

So as I said in one of my earlier posts I made an account on this sexy dating website. Ha! :D And just now I got a message off this guy saying we were in the same class in school. He didn't have any pics or information on his profile so I got curious. I asked him who he was. He answered. Hahaha! Oh man! I cannot believe it. I kinda feel weird as I think he will send my profile to people and I have two topless pics no there. Don't want my old horrbile classmates to see me in the nude. But it makes me feel a bit better as he asked if I wanted to be his secret fuck buddy. And as far as I know he has girlfriend. Told the whole thing to a girl i went to school with cause I was so giddy and amused. Hahaha....still can't believe it. I mean it can also be someone else from my class pulling a prank one. I declined the fuck buddy offer anyway. Yeah...shit!

Saturday, January 04, 2014

Body business

Okay, now that I'm fat I realise my body looked better skinny. Sure my tits were even smaller but...on the whole, it looked better.

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

my musical buddies

Okay, I was really hoping for some good music on TV but...nothing. I wanted something catchy and up-tempo. So I put on a Cascada record. Then Pink. Then Dire Straits and now I'm listening to Vivaldi. Good evening. I even danced a bit and sang. :D
Love my musical buddies.
Yeah it's the second year in a row I'm alone. Last year the family went to a friend's place in town, this year they went to my mother's man's sister's place. So it's only locial next year it will be at our place. Cause we don't know anymore people. :D Oh there's this one couple my mother's man knows but they live really close to us so I can go over too, on foot.