Friday, May 29, 2015

Something about the pants

Stalked Franco's chick and saw this:
Made me chuckle! :)

Sunday, May 17, 2015

I'm 5SOSing

I'm 5SOSing. Mother bought me skinny jeans :D
I didn't ask her to buy them to me or anything, she bought them all by herself. But I really like those back sneakers the boys are wearing. Want those!


The sound of my handwriting

Maybe I've talked about this on my blog before... but there are some things about myself that I don't like.
For example, my handwriting. It's just horrible. The letters never look the same twice or more times. Even my mother has said it looks like a young boy's handwriting. And it does so.
The other thing I don't like about myself is my voice. Oh god! It's just so whiny and I hate my S's. They sound so fancy pants and pretentious.
They're the top two things I might ever be self-conscious about.
Oh that reminds me... when I was young I was very self-conscious about my elbows. What the fuck right!? :D

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Dunno what to do with myself

I'm up since twelve this morning. Dunno what to do with myself. It seems waaaay too early.

Yeah and I still hope I'll be able to take the motorbike ride. It would be so much easier to get to my father's place like that.

Monday, May 11, 2015

This just in!

This just in! I might get to my father's place on Lembit's motorbike. I just hope I won't get anxiety travelling on the thing. Have to ready myself for about two hour trip on it.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

So I have a toothache

So I have a toothache. Been taking painkillers all day. Of all the visibly broken teeth the "healthy" one pains me. Ugh.

Friday, May 08, 2015

Well shit...stuff is happening

Well shit...stuff is happening. For about a week my brother's been feeling nauseous at night. Mother bought him tranquillizers. He better not be developing an anxiety disorder now!

Yeah and I still haven't decided whether I'll go to my dad's place or not. I'm not that worried about cycling there but I'm afraid of having constant anxiety when I get there. I just hope I won't have to go to hospital again. We'll see.

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

I went to claim what is rightfully mine

Today I went to claim what is rightfully mine. I cycled out of town, along Tallinn motorway. It's the way to Tartu if you're coming from my dad's place. I so longed to experience it when I came to Tartu in 2011. Crappy thing was back then, I got tired before reaching the town and got anxiety and Lembit had to come pick me up in his car. Everything that happend after that is a blur cause I had massive anxiety. So it was nice to experience it today, on my own, calmly, on my bike.
Yeah and now I wanna go and visit my father's family. I'll have to go through Põltsamaa. I wanna stay there, somewhere overnight. Cause I'm an unfit fuck and can't cycle the whole thing. Yeah, will see how it goes.

Monday, May 04, 2015

checking out my boobs

So Lembit is always telling me how I have no tits and just how small they are. And then when I wear a tank top he's like checking out my boobs. Like what the fuck!? Why look at them when there's nothing there, as you say!?
Yeah and I hoped my pension had lodged into my bank account today but nah. I was already dreaming of how I go to maccy d's and buy a quarter pounder. Damn. Well, it's the fifth tomorrow so...that's the official pension day, will get my burger then.

Saturday, May 02, 2015

What a waste!

Whoa! Just got back from the shop. Man, what anxiety I got. Haven't experienced such a strong feeling (mental and physical) in a looooooong time. I went to the shop cause I was craving crisps and chocolate. Now I feel so shitty I can't eat. What a waste!
Oh and yesterday I mowed the lawn for the first time this year. I volunteered. Was quite nice.

Friday, May 01, 2015

Fortunately it's not hurtful but unfortunately it's not motivational either

OMG, I'm reminded daily of how fat I am. Fortunately it's not hurtful but unfortunately it's not motivational either. I dunno why but I feel great in my body. I know I'm not a looker but I'm at peace with myself. Looks wise. If I really had to pick on something then sure I'd find plenty of things to complain about but... nah. Other than looks, the things I don't like about myself are my health, voice and handwriting. Oh and my laziness.
Yeah what got me writing though are the pics on this sexy dating website. Like, every woman who has bigger boobs, like... above B cup, their boobs are droopy. Now I'm not the one to judge depending on my looks but it really makes me happy about my own. My tits will never be droopy cause I just don't have anything there to be hanging. So the meaning of this whole post is, I'm happy with my little tits.