Saturday, June 27, 2015

less dangerous

Fuck! Mother and Lembit went to a birthday party at 10 in the morning and still aren't back. I wouldn't really care except they went on bikes. My bike. And I wanna go to the shop to buy something yummy. I know it sounds weird going to a party on a bike but the idea was that Lembit wanted to drink at the party and he cant drive a car then. You're not allowed to ride a bike either when you´re drunk but they thought it's less dangerous.

Love wins apparently

Wow, I'm living an arachnophobe's worst nightmare. There's a spider running around my bed and I'm about to go to sleep. Let it run! Love wins apparently.

Friday, June 26, 2015

pissing him off

Ah yes! I managed to piss off a horny guy. I'm so proud of myself. I told him I don't fuck outside a relationship. Hahaha! I feel soooo good for pissing him off.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

watch porn and stroke himself

Yeah, my brother's in bed with his tablet. I expected him to watch porn and stroke himself. Ha! He's watching the Moomins. He's fucking 15!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Oh the dilemma!

At my mum's. Using my internet stick. The connection is so good and fast, don't wanna log off in fear of losing the fast internet. But it's time to go to sleep. Oh the dilemma!

Sunday, June 14, 2015


Am upstairs in my room with the window open. Just heard the neighbours use the swear word of choice of my family - shitwheel.


being dirty

I so wanna go to sauna! I hate being dirty!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Good times!

Ha! I cracked myself up yesterday.
A few weeks ago, some girl was jogging along the road, at my mother's. And she started giving out to my mum and Lembit about our dogs being unleashed.
So yesterday me and mum went for a walk with the dogs.When we turned this one corner I glanced at the distance and saw something. I was like, "Let's go fast, some blonde girl is jogging there". My mother looked too and she said it wasn't a blonde girl, it was a stork. :D I swear I saw it as a blonde girl. Laughed so hard. Good times!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

A very very small route

Just went on a motorcycle ride. Did the "kaskedeni" route. A very very small route. But I still managed to do it. Like Lembit was driving and I sat at the back. He only went 40km/h but I got a little anxious but yeah...

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

so hopped up

So I was a big girl today. Went to the dentist. Got my wisdom tooth pulled out. Ugh, the pain during the last few days and nights was horrible. I was so hopped up on painkillers.

Monday, June 08, 2015

Life is great!

I'd like to document this perfect time of my life. I have no toothache, I'm eating blue cheese at my mum's. The lawn mowing is done. Life is great!

I hope I can sleep tonight through the pain

Ouch, been battling tooth ache for three days. I realy don't wanna go to the dentist cause I'm scared they'll put me on antibiotics. I will never ever take them again! I hope I can sleep tonight through the pain.

Sunday, June 07, 2015


Dyed my hair today! Last summer I went lighter, this time darker:


Ah, Lauri set up a tent about a week ago. He's been sleeping in it with his friend Silver. It's currently raining out, I so wanna be in the tent right now. It must be so amazing to fall asleep with the sound of raindrops falling on the tent. Ahh...

Saturday, June 06, 2015

Fucking two faced cunts with their double standards

I wasn't gonna blog about it cause it's not important but two of the youtubers I follow talked about it so... here are my two cents. Caitlyn Jenner. Oh my god!!! Why is everyone flipping out over her!? Everyone's like it's natural to be who you truely are. Like, why the fuck freak out about it then!? I have nothing against transgender people but like with gays... favouritism sucks monkey balls! It annoys me so much that people are so "supportive" of her. Fucking two faced cunts with their double standards.

Thursday, June 04, 2015

things are steady

Well, I haven't documented on my life for quite a while. Yeah, things are steady. Going to therapy and spending a lot of time at my mother's.
Haven't met any new guys cause Ilme put me off of asking guys to my place. I don't wanna hear her complain about me having sex. It's acutally interfering with my sex life soon as I have a bit more money I will move out so I can get men again.
Speaking of men... damn, I'm all over 5 Seconds Of Summer lads. I thought I liked Luke but now any one of them would do. Such sexy foursome! Or maybe I just need to get laid to cam myself. Then I'll know who I like best.

Monday, June 01, 2015

I won't marry him

How good is this?
So so so good!!! If I ever get married my husband MUST know how to play this otherwise I won't marry him.