Friday, October 28, 2016

the spice

Ugh. I hate spicy/hot food. Bought these chicken wings flavoured crisps, the flavour's good but the spice is the worst. Totally ruins the flavour by intensely burning my taste buds. Like, why would anyone ever like the hotness!? I like a good strong flavoured thing but spice is just useless. People who like spicy food are weird. And people who make spicy food should be banned from kitchens/any kinda food factories.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Gotta see my Matthew

Argh! I only have about three GBs left this month and I'm soooo into Criminal Minds. Think I will order 5 more gigs when I run out. Gotta see my Matthew. :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

this kind of attitude

I dunno what the exact saying is but apparently the type of someone's personality can be seen by how they treat animals. And I agree with this wholeheartedly.
What got me thinking/writing was this post on Facebook. It was about stray animals and shelters. I just loved how in Ireland there weren't really any proper strays. In Newbridge anyway. I know there were cats that weren't owned by anyone but a lot of people fed them and let them "sleep over" and the cats just walked from house to house freely, fed and happy. This is so caring and considerate of the Irish. I wish this kind of attitude was more widespread.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

butterflies and tingles

Ah! Gotta love my name. Have heard my celeb crushes say it. Just watched an episode of Criminal Minds and Matthew said it a few times. Gives me butterflies and tingles. :D snowed snowed.

Friday, October 21, 2016

out in the fields

This happened today :D He got himself stuck under there. Brother got home from school and didn't see him anywhere, thought he was out in the fields or something. So he carried on with his day. Finally he discovered him under the porch. The dumbass didn't get that my brother was trying to get him out from the other end. Never mind my brother's failed whistles. Oh and brother said when the dog got out it ran to the field and peed for forever lol

Thursday, October 20, 2016


Shit, my sleeping is so off. I legit go to bed at 8am now. Ugh.
Been like that for about three weeks.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Ha! My Twitter account was hacked. I seriously cannot imagine what kinda person would wanna hack my account. I never ever tweet and only yhave 1 follower. :D
I kinda don't wanna delete the tweets they tweeted or change the name and profile pic :)

Saturday, October 15, 2016


Been thinking about it several times but never blogged about it. My therapist is a lovely woman, I get on with her well. But she annoys me when we're talking about my weight. My body works like my body. I know how it works.
Like, a year or two ago we were talking about how I've gained weight cause of my pills. She said it's cause I'm older. No. Again, I know how my body works. I'm a naturally skinny person. I was skinny up until the point I started taking the pills. They slowed down my metabolism, that's why I've gained all this weight.
And last time I saw her we were talking about my sleeping habits. I really gotta do something about it cause I go to bed like at 8am.
She said that eating late and going to bed this late means I will gain weight. Again, no. And again, I know how my body works. That does not make me gain weight. I am a skinny person!!! Before pills I could eat whatever however much I wanted at any time of the day/night and I did not gain weight. I do not gain weight like most people. I have a fast metabolism. That's just my body. I know how my body works!
I have really bad sleeping habits and I eat shit but I've gone down on my Olansapiin dosage and I've lost weight. Tell me again how eating and sleeping make me gain weight!? Cause they don't! I KNOW MY BODY!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Fuck yes! Hell yes!

Omg I just found out Spencer Reid's mother is called Diana!!! Best thing ever. It's a sign! I'm destined to crush on Matthew. :D

How I found him? Well... not gonna lie, for a few days there I didn't even remember cause I was just absolutely crazy about him.
Anyway, a couple years back or so I saw him on Celebrity Ghost Stories. Didn't think too much of him. Then saw the epsiode again some time afterwards. Liked his story and the way he told it. I looked him up on the net a little. But that was it. I just knew him as the dude off CGS.
Then I watched Band Of Robbers in May this year. I knew he was in it but didn't think anything about him again cause I was lusting after Gallner.
And then last wednesday, 5th of October 2016, I happened to randomly see a video of him on youtube and I fell so hard! Dunno what made me like him. Anyway, all I knew about him was the fact that he was on CGS. Yeah and now I'm watching Criminal Minds just to see him. I wanna be really quick with it so I can catch up to season 12 lol. Gonna take a while.
Yeah and on tuesday I went to see my therapist and she said I seemed really upbeat and chirpy. Fuck yes! Hell yes! Everybody needs a little bit of Matthew Gray Gubler in their life!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Help yourself!

So Ilme confronted me today. Earlier, she asked me to go to Asta's place to take something there. I said maybe tomorrow, I'm busy right now. And I asked why Asta herself can't come and pick up whatever needed picking up. Then Ilme got mad at me and wouldn't talk to me. Whatever. I went to work.
After I came back she was like "what's with you standing up to me?" I couldn't think of anything to say at the moment so I just said "I told you I'd do it tomorrow". And she was like "maybe Asta's not home tomorrow". And then I didn't say anything. Seriously, I'm not gonna drop everything and jump right when she tells me to jump. I said I'd do it tomorrow. If she doesn't like it, too bad, do it yourself then.
Then she's like "I've helped you before too and keep helping you now". Yeah I've been helping you all this time aswell. Bitch, when was the last time you took out the garbage!??! For all the fucking four years I think I've been living here, I've been the one to take the shit out. Plus, how is she helping me now!? She gets her panties in a twist when I have a man over. Fuck you, dumb bitch! Help yourself! She acts as if I'm her personal assistant. And she so doesn't like that I don't do stuff for her. Tough luck, I'm still not gonna do shit for you. You fuck up my personal life, I fuck up yours.

Sunday, October 09, 2016

likeable and cute

Oh dear. This week is so lovely. I found a new celeb crush - Matthew Gray Gubler. I first saw him on Celebrity Ghost Stories. Liked his story but didn't check him out.
Then I watched Band Of Robbers. For Gallner but he was in it, but because of Kyle I didn't really pay attention to him. And now a couple of days ago I somehow found him on YT and I'm obsessed! He so likeable and cute!
