Friday, February 05, 2010

Bombs to flowers

So, I received my first comment! :) 
Thanks a lot. It's in English but I suspect it was an estonian person who left it. :D I'll be posting more of my favourite parts from the show once I...can be bothered to mess around with screencaps.

Anyway, had a terrible night, thanks to my sick stomach. Boyfriend came over last night, left at half 3 or something at night cause the bed was too small for him. Hm...

Ha! The other day he bought me a sandwich, which he got right. He didn't get it right the time before - he got me one with white bread, butter and spicy chicken. I want mine with brown bread, mayonnaise and plain chicken.
Oh and it's weird what people remember about you. I randomly told my boyfriend once that I played Minesweeper, but had to change the bombs to the flowers cause the explosions gave me a fright when I clicked on the wrong square. So one time I tell him I'm gonna go and play Minesweeper and he says, 'oh yeah and change the bombs to flowers, cause the explosions give you a fright.' Ha! :D

The weather looks lovely, really spring-y. Maybe I'll get to go out once I start feeling better, have to take a tablet...which doesn't really make a difference, but helps me waste money. A friend will be coming over soon aswell...

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