Wednesday, May 12, 2010

So, they're making it look like I'm avoiding them.

I received a letter today.
From work.
They're already trying to turn things against me.
The letter says that I rang to see if the manager I had to talk to was working.
Yes I did that.
The letter also says that the other manager I was talking to said that the manager was working later on and that I said I'd call over.
Well, I did talk to another manager but I never said I'd definitely go over and talk to her.
So, they're making it look like I'm avoiding them.
God damn, I've said it on here before but I rang them three times last year in October and the manager said, "don't ring me cause I won't talk about you on the phone, I'll send out a letter to arrange a meeting". Yeah, she never did and I bet when I tell all the managers that they'll be like, "No, we never said anything like it, you're avoiding us."
They're pricks, I swear!
Anyway, have a meeting with them on Monday, 24th of May at 12:00.

I won't leave anyway.
I hope they'll fire me so I can get money off them.
There's no way I'll ever be working there.

Yeah...the illness benefit will end in Julay so I have to do something.
I can get a new job or go on unemployment support.

Or if things go unexpectedly great I can start doing a course before all that.
I have a meeting with a guidance councellor on 3rd of June, at 11.
It's the kind of course that you do while getting paid.
I want to do science (biology) or something similar.
Or maybe drama.
Don't know yet.

Oh I got a massive envelope today.
I can put all the baby clothes in it and send it off to my friend.

Yeah, that's about it.

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