Monday, June 07, 2010

Crawl away!

So it's been pissin out for quite a few days.
Which makes me feel a bit better for wasting the weekend on refreshing the sims 3 website technical discussions page every two seconds.
I swear, if I was checking on a person's website this much I'd be jailed for stalking.
I've been waiting forever for a fix that would let me play the sims.
I'm just lost without it.
Come on, you EA tools, fix it already!!!

And when I took a break from the Sims 3 website I checked Kevin McSex's twitter page.
Gah, that person was in London some hours ago. That's like... 45 mins or so away from me!!!
Dang, would it kill him to pay me a visit?!
Totally rude of him.

Oh I'm gonna have to stop watching Glee cause he said if you don't watch the show he'll crawl out the screen and make you watch it.
Hell yeah! I won't be watching Glee in my bedroom in my bed in that case.
Crawl away!

Yeah and I haven't had much to eat cause I've been unable to leave my computer.
I'm about to go to the shop now.
To buy the lovely cherry and almond pies/muffins.

Maybe I'll write something more later on.
Oh I might finally watch King Kong.


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