Saturday, June 12, 2010


So yesterday was a stupid day.
Today isn't that much better.
Was gonna go out last night.
I dunno if it's the make up or the fake tan I sprayed in my face (which isn't supposed to be sprayed in the face), my eyes are killing me.
They're so sore and heavy.
And to top all that I got quite a bit of er... cum in my eyes this morning.
Some people just have really bad aim.
Anyway, because of that I was walking around with blood shot eyes most of the day.
And yeah, where ever some people got the "anal makes you cum" from, like... that is like... all wrong.
I hope it was a joke.

Yeah, so my eyes and head are killing me.
Maybe it's cause the weather is changing, I dunno.

Anyways, I was supposed to go out last night, but didn't.
"Bf" came over for a few minutes.
He said he was gonna go out in the same town as me and I thought it was very awkward.
I was like what if one of us gets talking to some randomer.
I was just thinking more so about me and what he would do if he was drunk and saw me.
Yeah so we had yet another "Is there any hope? No." moment.
And then I started bawling and all that shit, like a soap.
And that kind of put me off of going out.

And the night before, me and K rented some films.
Precious, The Road, It's Complicated.

We got It's Complicated cause I thought it would be good cause of Meryl and Alec.
And well, that's pretty much that was good about the film.
It wasn't a disaster, but was expecting a lot more from it. But the whole thing was based on Meryl and Alec's talent. Oh and my heart totally went out to Alec when he started crying. I know it was only a sleazy trick, but I felt so bad. Meryl is amazing!

The drama. We only got it cause the lady in the shop suggested it.
Well... it was a bit harsh yeah, but nothing too much.
Well, I don't think I'm too off when I say me and my mother had pretty much that kind of relationship.
The difference was that I wouldn't slave around as much and would talk back more and my mother worked and yeah, that's pretty much it. Oh and nobody threw a telly! Or a baby for that matter.
The raping didn't shock me too much either.
Well, I guess it was quite like... a dramatic film, but again, like with some other dramatic stories I didn't feel the heartfelt emotion. I felt it a bit more than with My Sister's Keeper, but it didn't shock/scare me as much.
And The Soloist was a lot more emotional for me.

The Road.
I didn't get to watch it.
K watched it and said it was really boring and lacked action.
I take her word for it.
Although, the film was my choice.
I like adventure and disaster - as in nature disaster, not as in "a disastrous film".

Oh and I saw a man about volunteering.
The man had a stutter.
It was quite an experience.

Anyways, I have to register online and will see then what happens.
And I have to get over with the course thing aswell.
It's just a matter of putting effort into finishing these things.
Will do it next week. Felt a bit poorly with my sore neck, back and head this week.

Yeah, guess I'm off now.
To... do something.
I don't even know what.
I cannot go out looking like that, I'll scare the kids. :D

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