Monday, July 26, 2010

Stories from the madhouse. Part one.

So, I'm still in the madhouse.
And as I said earlier I've been writing stuff down.
I'll type it all up here now so... if it sounds a bit weird at times then I must have felt really sick or something. I'll try to change a few things as I go along to make the story better.

I planned to go to Tartu by bus on the 11th of July.
I only lasted til the first stop.
I just started panicking cause the flight to Estonia freaked me out too much so now everykind of travelling freaks me out.
I got off the bus so and started walking away from my hometown along the motorway.
Long story short, I was left in the middle of nowhere and had my dad come and pick me up and take me back home. Then I must have had some sort of nervous breakdown, cause I felt sick forever.
And on Monday, I think, I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance.
Was put in the psychiatric part.

And well, besides all the crying, drama, breakdowns and sickness, it has been quite interesting.
To be continued....

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