Thursday, August 12, 2010

Estonian TV is just crap.

Well, I found out that this TV show/film I was talking about in my earlier post wasn't Skins.
Doesn't matter though.
The film was quite good and more importantly, the guy is still hot.
Nicholas Hoult.

The guy in blue
Yeah, me fancying him shows I'm still okay.
Still interested in the old woohoo.
Just don't want a relationship.
All is good. No worries.
I must say though that it was so funny when he said, "Shut up".
It just doesn't sound imperative or anything to be taken seriously.
The accent is just too funny.

Yeah so I will get out of the hospital tomorrow.
And I will stay with my father.
Bought this film called Tornado.
I think it's quite bad but as long as there's disaster I'm happy.
Will watch it once I get back home.

I've been watching TV quite a bit lately.
The last three evenings.
Saw America's Next Top Model.
I like the photoshoots, they're so colourful and creative.
I don't support anyone on the show.

Another show I've been watching is Relic Hunter.

It's so bad! It's so cheesy and crappy. I'm still watching it though. I dunno why.
It's better than all the Venezuelan and German soaps.
Estonian TV is just crap.
They're showing Top Gear episodes from the year 2004. =/

Yeah... I'm just looking forward to getting home and settling in.
Will be spending quite a few hours on the net and watching films.

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