Sunday, October 10, 2010

I swear, if I don't have a genius I don't want a child!

Gahh, seriously my brother is driving me mad!
When doing homework all he can say is, "I don't know, I don't understand"
He's been doing his English homework for two and half hours now.
First half he said he didn't understand what he had to do in the exercise.
And it basically said like "read".
He seriously has the attention span of a fish.

The other half he's been trying to find the word "dandelion" in the dictionary.
Yeah, he can't work a dictionary.

I swear, if I don't have a genius I don't want a child!


llasunshine said...

No kui ta ei oska, siis ta ei oska. See ei ole tema süü. Siis tuleb õpetada, mitte õiendada.

Sweet Kroshka said...

Ega ma tema kallal ei õiendanudki.
Ma ütlesin talle, kuidas sõnaraamatut kasutada. Mitu korda ning ta ei saanud aru, muudkui ajas, et tema ei saa aru ja ta ei oska jne jne

Kasuema ütles, et ta peab üksinda kõik tegema ning 11 aastane poiss võiks juba iseseisvalt ühe sõna üles leida sõnaraamatust.